french links for the curious mind

Tout En Français
Tout en Français offers an educational blog and grammar resources for french learners and teachers. There is a substantial amount of

Eurosport is a television channel broadcast throughout Europe. Coverage of all types of sporting events from rugby to snooker. Annual coverage

Le Bescherelle is the french grammar bible for many French immersion students. These small hardcover books are valued as a reference

Visit Wallonia
Wallonia is a semi-autonomous french-speaking region of Belgium. Wallonia’s forests were originally settled by the Celts who were eventually conquered Julius

Centre Collégial De Développement De Matériel Didactique
Do you want to improve your understanding of French grammar? On this site one finds vocabulary and grammar exercises for learners

Organisation Internationale De La Francophonie
An organization comprised of French-speaking countries and regions affiliated with French culture.

Alliance Française
The Alliance Francaise was founded in Paris in 1883. The Alliance Française promotes the French language and culture around the world.

Français avec Pierre
Many French students first discover French with Pierre on Youtube. Cool videos explain the most common pitfalls of the French language

Logic Language Learning
Logic Language Learning offers in person french classes in London UK. Course instructor Luc has created a large selection of free

Le Monde
Le Monde was one of the first of the world’s great newspapers to embrace the internet. It’s readers have historically been

Bonjour de France
Learn french online with Bonjour de France. This website offers content and tests for students preparing for CECRL levels A1 to

Reading french literature can be intimidating for beginner and intermediate students. Magazines are portable and articles are generally written in easy

Africa Radio
Formerly known as Africa nº 1, Franco-African radio was created in Gabon in 1981. Since 2019, it has been known as

Dictionnaire Vivant de la Langue Française
The Dictionnaire Vivant de la Langue Française (DVLF) was developed at the University of Chicago. When you search for a word,

This site is the online version of a Parisian weekly newspaper with articles on politics, world news, business and culture. In

Les Indés Radios
Formerly known as Africa nº 1, Franco-African radio was created in Gabon in 1981. Since 2019, it has been known as

Cannes Film Festival
The French are among the most avid cinephiles in the world. France has a flourishing movie industry that produces almost 300

The Michelin Green Guides have been a trusted travel companion since Michelin published its first guide in 1900 to promote travel
If you are interested in General and Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, this website governs them all. Art, history, book reviews and the

Coffee Break French
Enjoyable podcasts, about 10 minutes each, presented by Mark (teacher) and Anna (learner) covering essential grammar and useful phrases from beginner

Visit Luxembourg
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a landlocked country nestled between Germany, France and Belgium. Luxembourg was once part of the

20 minutes
20 Minutes is a daily newspaper in tabloid format distributed free of charge in France. It can be found online and

The evolution and history of prehistoric man fascinates us. The rich prehistory of France covers the Palaeolithic, the Neolithic through to
Surely, it’s better to laugh than cry. Jokes and humour are an excellent way to learn french. is a website