LeFr Posts


Reading french literature can be intimidating for beginner and intermediate students.  Magazines are portable and articles are generally written in easy to understand language with

Bonjour de France

Learn french online with Bonjour de France.  This website offers content and tests for students preparing for CECRL levels A1 to C1.  Most of the

Fondation Napoléon

The official website of the foundation Napoléon. Everything Napoléon can be found on this site from original historical documents at Napoleonica.org to the very latest


Audiobooks are an excellent method for language learners to improve listening comprehension and acquire new vocabulary. Simply search for french language audiobooks on Librivox. Audiobook

C’est facile!

French learners quickly realize that it is necessary for one to understand and use verb congugations correctly in order to communicate effectively. C’est facile! is

PONS Online Dictionary

PONS is a well regarded online dictionary and translator. Well presented comprehensive single word and short-phrase translations with audio. Grammar tips are offered with short


France has a great wealth of iconic archaeological sites. From prehistory to the early modern period.  The french were pioneers in archeology who first studied

DeepL Translator

DeepL Translator is considered by many to be one of the best online machine translators. Many users claim that translations are more nuanced than Google

Tout En Français

Tout en Français offers an educational blog and grammar resources for french learners and teachers. There is a substantial amount of well crafted video content.

Le Point de FLE

Le Point de FLE’s basic landing page is very basic. But don’t be fooled. This site is a treasure trove of resources for learners who